Thursday, October 20, 2011

Be Nothing But Yourself

Well after a very intense debate over Facebook this blog was a no brainer for me. I can’t stand people who change their personality or their views based on who they’re around. I call them doppelgangers. Now if you’re unfamiliar with the word here’s a quick lesson from Uncle J, Doppelganger (n) 1) a ghostly counterpart of a living person. Let’s forget about the ghost part and just run with the counterpart…. uhhhh part.

One of the reasons I hate this is because some of the worst years of my life were when I was trying to be someone I’m not. At one time I was one of the most picked on kids at school. It didn’t get too bad until my freshman year and it carried on all the way through my sophomore year. Shocking yes I know but if you seen pictures you would understand why.

Basically my attitude changed the day that my sophomore year ended. I decided that I was done trying to act like someone that I wasn’t. I was through getting picked on, and through holding back the real me to try and blend in with the crowd. My junior year was a lot better, the first guy that tried to bully me I punched in the nose so the bullying stopped. My senior year was when I finally let loose and the real me was revealed to the world and I had a blast being ME. I didn’t care what others thought about me and had fun and people hung out with me without any doubt that they were going to have a good time.

My views on everything changed with my coming out of my shell. I refused to date, because the only reason I had dated before was kind of a social status thing. I did it so I wasn’t the geeky single guy that nobody wanted. I hung out with tons of girls and went on dates but they knew there was nothing going to come out of it, not even sex. Because of this some people thought I was gay and I didn’t care because I wasn’t and I knowing that was all that mattered. I was having fun without the pressures of trying to fit and could care less what people thought. I didn’t fit in with any crowd, I fit in with all of them and had more friends then ever.

I’ve always thought that friendships being broken between people because they didn’t fit the same stereotype are terrible. I really think this is where my hate for doppelgangers harbors from. I had a friend since elementary school that had been my best friend all the way up to my senior year. While I was having fun being myself, my friend became part of the crowd that thought it was funny to make fun of people’s misfortunes. To me that wasn’t cool, even though I said funny things and picked on people it was about things that even the person couldn’t help but make fun of themselves over. I never hurt anyone’s feelings and even to this day I feel that I haven’t hurt anyone’s feelings. It was unfortunate that he had to change who he was to blend in. He broke a friendship that was a very long and good one just so he we would fit in somewhere.

It gets on my nerves when someone acts one way when they are around some people but then when around a different group they act like that group. One thing with me is you’re going to get the same me no matter who you are or what kind of person you are. I look at as having more respect for myself, keyword myself. If you have to change who you are that’s basically saying you’re ashamed of who you are as a person.

Now underneath this blog is a lesson to be learned, possibly on the level of “Aesop’s Fables”. Never be anything other than yourself, always stand up for the things you believe in because at the end of the day when you go home and you’re by yourself, all you have is the real you. Don’t change to become something you’re not to make a new friend because that is a friendship built on lies. May the force be with you on this fine day.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Call Me Joker and I'm here to BLOG BABY!!!

So after having people tell me I should write I blog, I've decided to go bake a cake. Okay honestly I can't bake so I'll just start a blog instead. I heard the first thing you should do on a blog is describe what you're going to talk about... I have no clue what I'll talk about honestly.

Most of everything I seem to do and say is 100% random, whether it be practical jokes, comments, or actions chances are I have not thought things through before doing or saying it. Chances are my blog is going to be the same, however everyone does seem to enjoy my outlooks and views on a large variety of subjects so I'll make sure to bestow the world with those lovely philosophical views... I would like to take this moment to say that I spelled philosophical correctly on the first try people. You know I guess I could talk about myself a little, tell you a little about the man behind the words.

While they say age is but a number it seems to be how most conversations about yourself start so I'll go with that door. I'm 28 years old and I am a father to a wonderful daughter as well as a husband to a wonderful wife. God blessed me with those two and I'm lucky that he gave me a woman who can put up with me. I know I drive her insane well over half the time we're together but she loves me still. On a serious note my daughter is what I live for, she brings a smile to my face every time I see her.

Now that's not saying fatherhood is all roses cause it's not. Fatherhood, especially with a daddy's girl, consists of constant "hold me daddy"'s", "I want my daddy.", and absolutely no TV time as it is taken up currently by Hello Kitty cartoons, which I would like to say is the DUMBEST cartoons ever. I mean it rips off every great story ever told, even "Star Wars", and starts out with "Once upon a meow in a land called Cat Fish". Still with the frustrations the love she gives me and the love I have learned from her has changed my life. Now onto the work life.

My work life is like every work life, it sucks. But I have a great job and great bosses so I can't complain, I just would much rather hit the lottery and chill out home for the record. I'm a Regional Manager for a chain of Verizon Wireless stores. That job doesn't give me a lot of free time but when I do get free time and I'm not spending it with la famila, I'm doing one of two things. Drum roll please.............

Cue hobby one.... gaming. I play Xbox in my spare time during the week. That consists of lots of online gaming and some of it can be found on,, <----that is what we in the industry like to call cheap product placement.

Last but not least my favorite thing to do in the whole world is, PLAY PAINTBALL!!! I play for a semi professional paintball team called Team ODX. We're actually a global team and we have players as far away as England I do believe. We play milsim paintball, so you won't see any of our tournaments on ESPN because that's called Speedball. That's a little paintball education for you right there folks. We basically play in recreations or new creations of military scenarios. Games usually last seven straight hours and they're always a blast to play in. We host one of the largest games of the year called Fulda Gap which usually has well over 1000 players on the field at one time. With 60 acres of field and 14 forts it's never overcrowded, just non stop action. Unfortunately the majority of us are refs during this game, but a small group of us are Special Ops for one of the sides. Sadly I am not part of the small group and will be one of the head refs on the field... booooo.

Well I think I covered some pretty good ground there and we consider the ground broken for the foundation for this blog. Hope you enjoyed the read and if you didn't, well read it again until you do enjoy it. Until next time peeps, Love... Peace... and Chicken Grease.